Blog Archive

Saturday, January 26, 2013

{Awesomesauce Winter Photo Challenge}

Yes, yes.  I am extremely behind in posting my photographs for my weekly challenge over at Photography Awesomesauce.  I have been extremely sidetracked with setting up my new business that although I have been participating in the challenge, I haven't been documenting it.  So here goes.  The last few weeks the challenge.

If you are interested in participating, there is still time!  Head over to Photography Awesomesauce for more information!

Week 5: {The Holidays}

 Week 6: {Your Babies}

My baby holding her baby.

Week 7: {New Beginnings}

 Week 8: {Food}

Week 9:  {A Portrait of Anyone}

Week 10: {Words}


1 comment:

Kristy Mutchler said...

I love these photos and the idea of a challenge :)